(423) 629-9783 info@mbmradiology.com

Radiology Coding

Seasoned Medical Billing Specialists Will Review Coding Procedures For Accuracy

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Your Radiology Billing Depends on Accurate Medical Billing Coding.

Our teams of certified procedural coders stay abreast of all coding changes thereby providing our clients with much-needed continuing education.

It is imperative that all radiology groups receive accurate medical coding for maximum payment.

Our dedicated certified radiology coding team reviews radiology notes and associated documentation to issue 100% accurate CPT codes with appropriate technical/professional/global components (as required) and diagnoses codes consistent with ICD-10 guidelines.

By partnering with MBM Radiology you ensure a one-stop coding solution for your practice. Our radiology coding department offers our clients a proven & guaranteed compliance with quick turnaround time, accuracy, well-managed & transparent coding processes, with excellent client satisfaction.